My first time through Daniel Callahan’s Individual Good and Common Good, I was struck by a comment he made in the analytical virtues section. Callahan suggests that, “the social sciences provide a useful source of insight.” I thought of what Sujatha Raman and Richard Tutton concluded in Life, Science, and Biopower: it seemed to me that their summation was that Paul Rabinow and Nikolas Rose had over-simplified a much more complex issue or group of interwoven issues. It gave me a little chuckle because I thought: here is Callahan the distinguished and authoritative scientific voice proclaiming that the social sciences can help provide an answer! And then, over there, we have four social scientists disagreeing on the answer and two of them stating that there is no single easy answer! It was a bit amusing until I realized that providing insight does not mean providing an answer to the currant debate over how bioethical concerns should be viewed and explored. The insights provided by the social sciences help to frame the issues and to inform the debate.
One of the main points of Callahan’s article is that he feels the field of bioethics should be interdisciplinary. “No one discipline, whatever its foundation, can claim a privileged place.” I like this idea. Having a firm ideological stance seems like it would trap you into a position where you would not be able to deal effectively with the innumerable potential benefits and detractions of all that is promised in genomics and the life sciences. An interdisciplinary approach leaves you free to take the tools you need from whatever source is best equipped to deal with the nuances of that will arise as we move forward. As Callahan describes it, communitarianism seems particularly well placed to provide a good starting point for the variety of interdisciplinary approaches that could be put into play. The individual ramifications of applying new technologies are important to consider but far more important a question is what effect it will have on the larger population.